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Azerbaijan is a country located in the eastern part of the South Caucasus, west of the Caspian Sea. Azerbaijan is not a big country with the total area of 86,600 km2. This country regained its independence in 1991 after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The territory of the country consists of mountains (60%) and plains. The Greater and Lesser Caucasus Mountains, as well as the Talysh Mountains, are located in the northern, eastern and southern regions of the country, respectively. Between these mountains, on the banks of the Kura and Araz rivers, there is a wide Kura-Araz plain. The Caucasus Mountains, rich in forests and various mountain landscapes, are considered the main natural wealth of the country. These mountains are rich in various springs and thermal waters. There are many relict and endemic species of plant and animals.

Azerbaijan has abundant natural resources and great biological diversity. The list of main mineral resources includes oil, gas, iron ore, alunite, gold, copper, etc. 

The Caspian Sea is located in the eastern part of the country, and the total length of the coast of Azerbaijan is 830 km. The sea coast includes forest and semi-desert landscapes with many sand beaches. The sandy shores of the Caspian Sea and the healing muds of the Absheshron peninsula have been attracting people since ancient times.

Major environmental problems in the country

There are many problems with environmental pollution in Azerbaijan, caused by long history of oil production and petrochemical industry, urbanization, and various Soviet legacy sources of pollution. The biggest problems with air, water and soil pollution exist is in the country’s largest cities and densely populated areas. These areas mainly include Baku and Sumgait and other settlements in the Absheron Peninsula.

In rural areas agriculture is the main source of pollution. Pesticides and other chemicals are extensively used. All types of POPs pesticides that were later banned by the Stockholm Convention were actively used in Azerbaijan until the early 1980s. 

Implemented projects:

Proposed future projects:

  • Lead Health Risk Identification and Reduction 
  • Remediation of oil contaminated areas on the Absheron Peninsula, including the pilot site near the Zykh Lake
  • Improving air quality in Baku and Sumgait
  • Reduction of pollution from old pesticide sources in rural areas and creation of new pesticide management schemes

Rovshan Abbasov

Azerbaijan Country Coordinator

EHPMI Member Organization

Environmental Research Center (ERC)

Environmental Research Center (ERC) is dedicated to research, education and public outreach on the environment for over 23 years and implemented 33 projects. ERC aims to contribute to the efforts to protect the environment through applied research and studies, services and consultations. Environmental Research Center works on the following program directions:
  • Water management;
  • Drought management;
  • Disaster risk reduction;
  • Environmental pollution;
  • Ecosystem services, land management, integrated basing management.
List of selected implemented projects:
  • “Integrated Water Management Study for the Greater Baku Area, Azerbaijan: Economic Assessment”. This study aims to develop a comprehensive analysis of water use and non use values in the Great Baku Area (GBA), with a vision of integrated water management, including potable water, waste water treatment and storm water at the basin level. 2011–2012, World Bank supported to the Government of Azerbaijan in the formulation of an Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM) Strategy;
  • “Toxic Site identification program/ Identification of toxic sites in Azerbaijan. Creation of database for toxic site pollutants”, 2012–2017, Pure Earth (Blacksmith Institute), European Commission and the project "Mitigating Toxic Health Exposures in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Global Alliance on Health and Pollution" UNIDO;
  • “Sumgait remediation Project in polluted beach close to the town”, 120,000 EUR, European Union, UNIDO, Pure Earth, the site owner Azerkimya Joint Stock Company (Azerkimya), and co-funded by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources (MENR) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 2015;
  • “Desk Study on Ecosystem Services provided by Freshwater Networks in the Kura-Aras River Basin (and the Black Sea Catchment Basin)”. It is part of a regional study that includes Armenia and Georgia, which was implemented in the framework of the regional project — "Promoting Sustainable Dam Development at River-Basin-Scale in the Southern Caucasus" financially supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway and led by WWF Caucasus Programme Office, WWF Armenia and WWF Azerbaijan, 2013–2014.