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Member Organizations

EHPMI operates in different countries and regions either directly, through national offices, or through national member organizations.

National member organizations are usually civil society organizations or research institutions that lead environmental health initiatives in their countries and often have their own action and/or information networks that include other local and national organizations. Each national member organization represents EHPMI in respective country and defines priorities of work and implements EHPMI projects in that country. 

A civil society organization or a research/education institution may apply to become an EHPMI member organization if they are ready and have the capacity to work on environmental health issues at the national level. The Founders Board reviews applications and makes the decision whether or not to accept a new member organization.

Human Health Institute

The Civil Society Association “Human Health Institute” (HHI) was founded in 2005. The mission of the organization is to protect health and human rights.

The Civil Society association “Human Health Institute” works on the following program directions: 
  • Environment and Sustainable Development;
  • Public Health and Healthcare;
  • Human Rights

During more than 17 years HHI implemented 84 projects, of which 64 were supported by international donors.

Human Health Institute hosts the secretariat of the Youth Ecological Network of Central Asia (MEA CA) under the International Commission for Sustainable Development (ICSD). HHI is also a member of Public Council at the ICSD, EU, Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM), Diabetic Association of the Republic of Kazakhstan, EcoForum of Kazakhstan, European EcoForum.

Consortium Civil Society Organization Eco Life and Eco Life Consulting Co

The Consortium has been operating since 2007 and focuses on environmental issues and sustainable development. Eco Life works on green economy projects, circular economy, climate change strategies, reduction of CO2 emissions, and environmental audit. An important part of Eco Life work is consulting small and medium size enterprises to develop their sustainable development strategies according to national regulations and EU directives. During the past 15 years Eco Life has implemented 20+ of projects, including:
  • “Reduction of acute risks posed by obsolete pesticides in Kakheti region,” supported by Dutch government program MATRA;
  • “Pesticides and obsolete pesticides management,” supported by EU, FAO, and UK. The project included assessments family farms in Kvemo Kartli Region on reduction of health risks of pesticides use;
  • “Development of a green technologies database,” supported through EU4BUSINESS EBRD credit line program started, implemented since 2016;
  • “Protecting Every Child’s Potential”, project on assessment and reduction of children lead health risks, in partnership with UNICEF, supported by Pure Earth and Clarios Foundation, 2020–2023


The civil society organization “Peshsaf” was founded in 2001. We believe in the ideals of peace based on the values of respect, protection of rights and dignity of every living creature on the planet!

Peshsaf was one of the first organizations in the country to start active work on environmental policy issues, actively promoting improvement of the national environmental legislation and including society in the national and decision-making processes.

Peshsaf works on the following main program directions:
  • Environment and waste management
  • Rural development
  • Human rights protection

During the past over 20 years Peshsaf has implemented more than 120 projects, including 110 projects supported by international funders.

Civil Society Association ‘Ekois Bishkek’ 

Civil Society Association ‘Ekois Bishkek’ has been operating since 2006, working on environmental issues in Kyrgyzstan and spreading information about environmental initiatives, projects, and events in Central Asia. Ekois works on environmental and social assessments, environmental safety and risk management, awareness and education for sustainable development, involvement of stakeholders into solving problems of environmental pollution, and environment-related issues of poverty and gender. During the last ten years Ekois has been a national partner for a number of international organizations, including UNEP, FAO, UNIDO, UNDP, Milieukontakt International, Green Cross, and Pure Earth/Blacksmith Institute. In close cooperation with international partners, state agencies and local authorities, Ekois has implemented 20+ national projects on assessment and management of chemical wastes, obsolete pesticides, uranium tailings, and medical wastes. Ekois is a member of the following specialized associations: IPEN, IHPA, Climate Action Network of Kyrgyzstan, Mountain Partnership, Alliance for Sustainable Development. As a member of different expert groups and a partner of Kyrgyz Government, Ekois supports and promotes development of national policy on environment protection; Ekois represents societal interest in environment protection; develops recommendations and initiatives on improving climate change policies, develops analytical materials on toxic pollution. List of some implemented projects:
  • “Revival of the Kyrgyz Environmental Movement” 2005-2008, Hivos
  • “Green Agenda” 2006-2008, European Union
  • “Elimination of acute risk of Obsolete Pesticides in Kyrgyzstan”, 2006-2008, TMF
  • Pre-project stakeholder’s analysis “Demonstrating and Scaling Up Sustainable Alternatives to DDT for the control of vector borne diseases in Southern Caucasus and Central Asia”, January – June 2009, GEF/UNEP
  • “Obsolete Pesticides Technical Study in the Kyrgyz Republic” July– December 2009, World Bank
  • NGOs Capacity Building Aimed on Partnership with Local Authorities for Solving Ecological Problems February- November 2010, PSO
  • “Kyrgyz Political Parties Programs Compared / To Strengthen the Capacity of the Electorate to Distinguish Between Parties,” August – October 2010, ECCO
  • “Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) study course for universities of Kyrgyzstan,” 2011- 2012, OSCE office in Bishkek
  • “Demonstrating and Scaling Up Sustainable Alternatives to DDT for the control of vector borne diseases in Southern Caucasus and Central Asia”, 2011 – 2015, GEF/UNEP, Milieukontakt Intenational
  • Eliminating Adverse Effects of Medical Waste on Health and Security in Kyrgyzstan by Implementation of an Adequate Health Care Waste Management 2011-2013, Green Cross, Switzerland
  • “Improving capacities to eliminate and prevent recurrence of obsolete pesticides as a model for tackling unused hazardous chemicals in the former Soviet Union”, EC/FAO 2012-2015
  • “Promotion of the «Green Economy» concepts for universities and business community of Kyrgyzstan 2012- 2013,” OSCE office in Bishkek
  • “Development webinar for schoolchildren from remote mountain areas on Sustainable mountain development,” 2013- 2014, FAO, Mountain Partnership
  • “The reduction of hazardous impact of  the Suzak A burial site  of  prohibited  POP pesticides on local  residents  and  environment through by improving   the  system of  storage  and  conducting informational campaign for  population of  Jalalabad  oblast,” 2013- 2014, GEF/SGP, UNDP Kyrgyzstan
  • “Remediation of a Legacy Lead and Zinc Mine in Sumsar, Kyrgyzstan”, 2015 –2016, FSD, Switzerland
  • “Sovetskoe, Kyrgyzstan Lead Health Risk Reduction Project,” 2016 –2018, Blacksmith Institute, USA
  • “Stakeholder Engagement for Uranium Legacy Remediation in Central Asia”, 2017- 2018, UNEP
  • “Conducting an advocacy campaign to exclude mercury-containing products that pose the greatest danger to human health and the environment in Central Asia”, May 2019- December 2019, USAID

Environment and Security Center of Mongolia (ESCM)

ESCM has been working on environmental assessments, sustainable development, and environmental health issues for over 15 years and implemented more than 60 projects.

List of selected implemented projects:  
  • “Sustainable Textile Production and Ecolabelling

    Natural resources depletion reduction and sustainable use of cashmere fibers and pasture, energy and water resources,” 180,000 EUR, European Union 2018-2022;

  • “Sustainable Plastic Recycling in Mongolia, Soil and water pollution reduction and sustainable use of natural resources through recycling of plastic wastes” 224,300 EUR, European Union 2020-2024, Caritas (Czech Republic) and ESCM;
  • “Toxic Sites Identification Program,” the program purpose was to provide decision-makers at all levels of government and within the international development community with information on the location, sources and potential impacts of sites contaminated by chemical pollution,” 100,000 USD, USAID/Pure Earth 2016-2020;
  • “Tannery area soil heavy metal contamination study,” a study of horizontal and vertical distribution of chromium pollution in soil near tanneries in Ulaanbaatar, 2019-2021, USAID/Pure Earth and Environmental Department of Ulaanbaatar Municipality;
  • “Building the capacity of Mongolian non state actors to promote sustainable livelihoods and poverty reduction in rural artisanal gold mining areas,”

    Mercury pollution reduction through introduction of mercury-free gold processing   technology for small scale miner communities, 800,000 EUR, European Union, 2014-2016, Blacksmith Institute & ESCM;

  • “Hexabromocyclododecane in insulation products and wastes from construction and demolition in Mongolia,” Inventory of Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) in insulation products in construction and demolition sectors for reduction and management of hazardous waste volumes, 33,000 USD, Secretariat of Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions Financed by Government of Japan and Government of Germany, 2018-2019

Environmental Research Center (ERC)

Environmental Research Center (ERC) is dedicated to research, education and public outreach on the environment for over 23 years and implemented 33 projects. ERC aims to contribute to the efforts to protect the environment through applied research and studies, services and consultations. Environmental Research Center works on the following program directions:
  • Water management;
  • Drought management;
  • Disaster risk reduction;
  • Environmental pollution;
  • Ecosystem services, land management, integrated basing management.
List of selected implemented projects:
  • “Integrated Water Management Study for the Greater Baku Area, Azerbaijan: Economic Assessment”. This study aims to develop a comprehensive analysis of water use and non use values in the Great Baku Area (GBA), with a vision of integrated water management, including potable water, waste water treatment and storm water at the basin level. 2011–2012, World Bank supported to the Government of Azerbaijan in the formulation of an Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM) Strategy;
  • “Toxic Site identification program/ Identification of toxic sites in Azerbaijan. Creation of database for toxic site pollutants”, 2012–2017, Pure Earth (Blacksmith Institute), European Commission and the project "Mitigating Toxic Health Exposures in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Global Alliance on Health and Pollution" UNIDO;
  • “Sumgait remediation Project in polluted beach close to the town”, 120,000 EUR, European Union, UNIDO, Pure Earth, the site owner Azerkimya Joint Stock Company (Azerkimya), and co-funded by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources (MENR) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 2015;
  • “Desk Study on Ecosystem Services provided by Freshwater Networks in the Kura-Aras River Basin (and the Black Sea Catchment Basin)”. It is part of a regional study that includes Armenia and Georgia, which was implemented in the framework of the regional project — "Promoting Sustainable Dam Development at River-Basin-Scale in the Southern Caucasus" financially supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway and led by WWF Caucasus Programme Office, WWF Armenia and WWF Azerbaijan, 2013–2014.
Vietnam Environmental Incident Response Center (SOS)

Vietnam Environmental Incident Response Center (SOS)

Vietnam Environmental Incident Response Center (SOS) was founded in 2018. SOS Center has a nationwide network of oil spill response stations with trained staff, vehicles, specialized equipment and materials to ensure timely and effective response to pollution incidents in Vietnam.

By the end of 2023 SOS Center has conducted cleanups and responded to more than 300 incidents. SOS Center has organized more than 600 trainings, drills on oil spill cleanups  and response to environmental incidents at the national level ( in coordination with the National Search and Rescue Committee, Vietnam Administration of Sea and Islands, Vietnam Coast Guard, and Vietnam Border Guard); provincial level (more than 40 provinces); and local level (more than 600 state-owned and private organizations.

SOS Center conducts R&D and manufactures more than 120 specialized products for the prevention &response to environmental incidents; pollution cleanup and environmental restoration. All products and technological solutions designed by SOS Center meet the specific technical needs of the practical response activities in Vietnam and are very cost-effective.

SOS Center is always eager to:

  • exchange experience on environmental incidents response and pollution treatment practices via workshops, conferences, training courses.
  • supply specialized equipment and materials for the proactive prevention, emergency response to environmental incidents, pollution cleanup, and environmental restoration.
  • implement/engage/cooperate in projects on environmental incident response and pollution cleanup.