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Journey Through Mexico’s Parks: Insights from the Field

In March 2024, Petr Sharov the President EHPMI has visited his colleagues in Mexico City. During this visit, he participated in three environmental actions organized by local activists. 

In March 2024, Petr Sharov the President EHPMI has visited his colleagues in Mexico City. During this visit, he participated in three environmental actions organized by local activists. 

Petr Sharov the President EHPMI

One of the actions was a weekend cleanup of the Park “De Los Arcos”. For over 20 years people who live nearby get together to remove garbage brought by people and floods. This is the upper reaches of the Los Remedios River. Here the river appears to be just a small creek, which used to be fully covered with all sorts of garbage. But the local people decided to change the situation and started gathering once a month to clean the river and the park. The local administration agreed to pick up and remove the gathered garbage. Thanks to the volunteer actions of the people now this area looks really beautiful. 

Daniel Estrada, the leader of the volunteer group: “What we do is very important for us. Because this is how we give love to our land. We do not see it as a problem. We are satisfied with the results of our work. We have been doing this for 24 years. And people ask me: “Why are you doing this? Why does it give you satisfaction? Isn’t it unpleasant to pick up the garbage?” But for me this work is sacred. Many people just don’t notice these problems of pollution. Thanks to our efforts the birds will not be eating plastic. The plants will grow freely. The water in the river will be clean. It means a lot to us. It will let us be with nature, stay under the trees and listen to the birds. Of course, we want this park to be perfect where everything is nice and clean and people enjoy themselves and respect the nature. We are not there yet. But if we weren’t doing anything, then would have been farther away. But by coming here every month  and working we make this park and the river a better place. This why we continue doing what we do. And we will not stop. Thank you all so much for coming and joining us.” 

Petr Sharov also participated in the native ecosystem restoration activities in the Ecological Forest National Park in Naucalpan De Juarez. The local activists plant native species, remove exotic plants, and try to make the park more resistant to occasional fires during the dry season. The park like many other natural areas in Mexico does not receive much support from the government. But the caring people are doing what they can to protect it and make it a better place.

Another action was a cleanup and fire protection activity in the Nature Reserve El Mazapan (Reserva Ecologica «El Mazapan»). The local volunteers take care of this very small piece of wilderness. It is just a hill in between densely populated areas and some people would love to clear a part of it to start building houses. But local activists fight against such plans to preserve the area. The nature reserve is home to a family of owls. El Mazapan is also a very popular place for local rock-climbers.

Petr Sharov: “I am glad that my friends let me join and participate in these actions. It is nice to know that in Mexico there are many people who care about nature protection and actively work to make a difference. It is true that for a lot of other people it is difficult to understand. Why volunteer to clean up the area? Because this is your home and the home of your children. Because you should care about your home and keep it safe and clean. Protecting nature means protecting the health of people. If more people care about the problems of pollution and start doing something about it, there will be obvious progress. And the world will be a better place.