Environment and Security Center of Mongolia (ESCM)
ESCM has been working on environmental assessments, sustainable development, and environmental health issues for over 15 years and implemented more than 60 projects.
List of selected implemented projects:
- “Sustainable Textile Production and Ecolabelling
Natural resources depletion reduction and sustainable use of cashmere fibers and pasture, energy and water resources,” 180,000 EUR, European Union 2018-2022;
- “Sustainable Plastic Recycling in Mongolia, Soil and water pollution reduction and sustainable use of natural resources through recycling of plastic wastes” 224,300 EUR, European Union 2020-2024, Caritas (Czech Republic) and ESCM;
- “Toxic Sites Identification Program,” the program purpose was to provide decision-makers at all levels of government and within the international development community with information on the location, sources and potential impacts of sites contaminated by chemical pollution,” 100,000 USD, USAID/Pure Earth 2016-2020;
- “Tannery area soil heavy metal contamination study,” a study of horizontal and vertical distribution of chromium pollution in soil near tanneries in Ulaanbaatar, 2019-2021, USAID/Pure Earth and Environmental Department of Ulaanbaatar Municipality;
- “Building the capacity of Mongolian non state actors to promote sustainable livelihoods and poverty reduction in rural artisanal gold mining areas,”
Mercury pollution reduction through introduction of mercury-free gold processing technology for small scale miner communities, 800,000 EUR, European Union, 2014-2016, Blacksmith Institute & ESCM;
- “Hexabromocyclododecane in insulation products and wastes from construction and demolition in Mongolia,” Inventory of Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) in insulation products in construction and demolition sectors for reduction and management of hazardous waste volumes, 33,000 USD, Secretariat of Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions Financed by Government of Japan and Government of Germany, 2018-2019